Friday, November 6, 2009

I feel like a number

Who knows why, but I decided to try my hand at a blog. It turns out that I already started one a few months ago and have never done anything with it. Alas, here I am.
Had a Russian quiz this morning. Too many new verbs about computers. I had to be creative when I couldn't remember how to say something (we were supposed to say "....and he restarted his computer." Couldn't remember the verb for "restart" but I did remember "turn on" and "turn off" so I said "...and he turned off and turned on his computer." Except I may have mixed them up, so the poor guy might have "turned on and turned off his computer."
Watched part of the Yankees victory parade on the internet. It feels good to be a winner, I don't even care who slams on me for being a Yankees fan. It must be a very bitter life to be a Cleveland sports fan, so I can understand the anger.
It is funny how the little things can make or break your day.
For example, last night I got Arby's for dinner, and that made my night. (They didn't give me the Arby's sauce I asked for, so that broke my night.)
Another example: After my quiz I really felt wiped out and kind of wanted to go home. I came to the library to work on my paper, and I got one of those sweet individual desks in the no shizone. And I didn't work on my paper. Tonight is Friday night pizza night, day made.
Notice a trend on how good food is usually the best part of my day?

I would best describe this expression as: "The smug joy of having an awesome, spacious desk at the library while everybody else is crowded at tables facing awkward strangers who often decide the library is a wonderful place for groping slash loudly sharing stupid stories." Also, "Thinking about pizza."

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