Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rambling for my sake more than yours

I haven't been on here in a while. I don't really have anything profound to say. It is summer and my brain certainly knows it. I have been down to Dallas twice in the last 2 weeks (drove down with mom, flew back solo, drove down with family, drove back up with family and mom [who is also family.]) There, I met and became completely best friends with Jackson Seth Jones. He is pretty much definitely the cutest baby nephew an uncle like me could hope for. Pictures are on facebook, as are all of you. Yes, you.
I've read a few books. Mostly Vince Flynn novels, but also A Hero of Our Time. It was excellent, and you should read it. Yes, you. I promised a blog post with my favorite excerpts, but now that I find myself on my blog my dad has the book because I told him to read it. And he listened to me.
I bought two pretty legitimate new albums. "Brothers" by The Black Keys and "Sea of Cowards" by The Dead Weather. I have been looking forward to Brothers since I heard about it and bought tickets to see them in Kansas City on June 4th (this friday!) It definitely did not disappoint. The second I was hesitant to buy, but that was foolish because Jack White was involved and I have never been disappointed in any of his albums. This one is funky, dark, and experimental. So I don't bore you to tears with my reviews, here is an article I found which happens to be about both albums:
What else? I'm getting very excited for my mission. It is quick approaching. My computer tells me it is now officially June 1st. Weird.
Also weird: sometimes I miss school. Maybe it is just the very limited social life I enjoyed very much in Provo (as opposed to the zero social life in Gallatin.) I think it is a mix of that and the fact that I miss challenging myself. My mind gets pretty lazy in the summer, no matter how much I promise myself that I'm going to read stimulating books and run 600 miles every day. The fact is that I wake up, do all the stuff I need to, and not do much else that requires any physical or mental effort. Maybe I'll do something crazy. I tell myself that every day, and it still doesn't really happen.


Last thing: rockstars shouldn't get to hurt their backs and have emergency back surgeries and cancel certain concerts in 2 weeks. Yes Bono, this means you. I am thinking mean thoughts about you. But get better and stuff. Don't worry about me, who will be a little busy on the date you rescheduled the show for. Next year. Dislike.


  1. Thank you for writing an entire blog post to me. I will have to read the book that you specially recommended.

  2. Chess is mentally stimulating...

  3. neoblues...that sounds like i would actually REALLY like that. i'm gonna look those bands up.


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