Monday, February 1, 2010


That is not a fun word to spell, and I have no idea how one would go about saying it.
Have you ever hit a complete brick wall with your school work? I'm not talking about "I really, really don't want to do this junk" kind of wall, but sitting down and being completely unable to accomplish what you set out to do? 
Winter semester blows. Sometimes (when I'm not thinking about the possibility of losing my scholarship) I wish I was the kind of student that could just not do work and still sleep at night.
LAS, failure isn't in my blood (the last time I had it tested.) Failure doesn't run in my family, though I do have the same obnoxious mole on my neck that my mother and her mother have. Failure isn't stamped across my forehead- that would probably be against the dress and grooming section of the honor code. Failure isn't my middle name - Alan is. "Tramps like us, baby we were born to run" is not my personal motto, it is just a line from a Bruce Springsteen tune. Sure, sometimes I imagine how I would escape every building I enter in case of a large, stylized fight sequence, but the team of doctors insisted that I'm not really an ex-spy with amnesia, I just live a really average life. Most importantly, this time could most definitely have been spent doing homework, but blogging is just so much more fun.

That's it. I'm unplugging the router. 


  1. Hahahahahaha! And that's what I have to say to that. I'd pronounce surreptitiously for you, but that would require actually speaking to you. ...<--That sounded ruder than it was supposed to.


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