Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Last Child: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love my life

Remember when I used to get out of studying by writing things on here? I think that time has come again. I have one final left this semester and am remembering that thing where my last final gets the least attention and can turn out a total wild card. Sort of like the last child in the family.
Pictured above: The fruits of exhausted parenting
So I thought I would step out on the front step of my blog, sweep off the sidewalk, and switch on the neon OPEN sign. Maybe I'll tell you a little bit about my life as of late. It has been completely fantastic. Bullet points may be required, and for that I ask your patience and remembrance that I like to write with lots of forward-slashes and bulleted lists.

  • Schoolwork is prospering. I've taken all the prerequisites for the business program this semester and have conquered the challenge. I took more notes in class this semester than probably all my previous semesters combined. Pending a decent score on my accounting exam tomorrow, I'm fairly confident I will be accepted into the management program this fall (with an emphasis in Organizational Behavior.)
The last child syndrome can't be so bad it keeps me out of business school...can it?
  • I've been back from my mission for over 9 months. When you think about it, that is long enough for a human being to fully bring a new human being into the world. Kind of intense imagery, but when you see past the icky you realize that I have been home a fair amount of time!
  • I know the pictures with mystery girl have piqued the interest of several of you on facebook, so this bullet point is going to be a shout-out to the remarkable Tiffany. Through a fantastic talk given in sacrament meeting, Indian food, a popped tire, and weeks and weeks of studying (but mostly laughing and watching Once Upon a Time) together, we've been dating, but more importantly we've become best friends. We found each other at the tail end of some dark times and have helped bring tons of happy light to each other's lives for the last two months. And while I'll be packing my bags and heading back to the promised land next week and she will be packing her bags and heading out to preach the good word of God to the people of Brazil for a year and a half at the end of August and the list of question marks is a lot longer than the list of answers we have right now, two answers on that list stand out boldly and clearly:
  1.  My life has been dramatically changed for the better because of Tiffany. 
  2. Irma Phillips is going to be a fantastic ambassador for the Lord for two years!
A shout out that ends speculation and questioning. My favorite kind of shout-out

And so I can end this post with a line borrowed from the infamous James Kearl, of Econ 110 infame:

Self: great day! to go tend to my last final before it ends up on a path that can only end with arrest for indecent exposure...
Seriously people, this isn't a metaphor anymore. Michael is a sick freak.